Visualize Our Mind

creaPiX Studio's Blog

Hello world!

Hello world!

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About the Author

André Martinod
André Martinod is the President and Founder of creaPiX Studio Inc., a high-end visualization company that helps businesses sell their projects before they're actually built.

He's been creating images and animations for over 15 years in different industries (mostly architecture, aeronautics, games and product design). He has worked with clients like BBDO Montreal, Bombardier Aerospace, Bell Media, ID3, Magma Architecture, Premier, Forme Studio, etc.
André has a B.Sc. (maths specialty), a diploma in 3D animation for cinema and television, and a M.B.A. from ESSEC Business School.

When he's not working for his clients, you can find him playing volleyball, dancing latin dances, rollerblading, hiking, working out, reading and learning new things.
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